My name is Cristian,
I am a {{titleJob}}

Recruitment status:
Available for work
Not available
Recruitment status:
Available for work
Not available
let cristianDejica = {
fullName: "Cristian Dejica",
primarySkills: ["Web Development", "Graphic Design", "Unity Game Development", "3D Modeling", ],
teamPlayer: true,
hardWorker: true,
quickLearner: true

About Me

Some things I don't mention in my resume

Hi! My name is Cristian, and I am {{ birthYears }} years old. I've been working as a web developer for about {{ devYears }} years now, and as a graphic designer for {{ designYears }}. I developed an interest for creating visuals and solving problems by going to national computer science contests or international events, where I met and learned from people with the same passions.

I spend my free time developing games or reproducing programming challenges from YouTube, spending a lot of time with my dog, and burning down the kitchen while trying new recipes.

Some of My Skills

Just because it's not here, doesn't mean I can't do it


Work Experience

My most impactful collaborations and projects

"Location": "{{item.location}}",
"Position": "{{item.position}}",
"Description": "{{item.description}}",

Let's talk business

What exactly can I do for you?

With about {{ devYears }} years in the industry, I can help you achieve your business goals by doing the following:

  • Designing and developing landing pages, large websites, CMSs, mobile apps, anything you can fit onto a screen
  • Writing code for your SAAS, B2B product, and many others
  • Designing social media content or advertisements
  • Designing product labels and vector illustrations
  • Developing unity games
  • Creating 3D models

... Just to name a few